Volunteer for Our 2025 Spring Performance: Victorious
This production is an ALL hands on deck show! As we are hoping that many people will come to experience this show and be touched by the Lord, we know we can’t make any of that possible without our volunteers. Thank you so much for being a part sharing the Gospel to the Chippewa Valley!
Basic Show Information
Victorious: a performance to do with the victory of Jesus!
Dates: May 1st-3rd
May 1st - Dress Rehearsal
May 2nd - Friday Show (6pm)
May 3rd - Saturday Show (1pm)
The areas that we are looking for help are...
Hauling & Uploading at the venue
Set Up Crew
Tear Down Crew (if you have a large vehicle that would be super helpful!)
Backstage Helpers (must be 16 & older - women only due to the sensitive nature of being in the dressing room with the girls)
Prop Team (moving props on & off the stage)
Merch Table
Ticket Booth (we are only collecting a free will donation for tickets)
Auditorium Greeters (taking tickets, handing out programs)
Security Team
Kitchen Crew (helping with the dessert reception)
and more!
Thank you so much for volunteering for this upcoming show! We appreciate your heart in serving First Position and our community!
After you fill out this form, our Volunteer Coordinator will reach out to you about your position!
Please note there is no guarantee that you will have time to watch the show.
Volunteer Information
Below is the basic information regarding our upcoming performance, dates, report times, dress codes and what you will be doing. Please refer to this if you have any questions. If you need further information, please contact Aria Yang (production manager) at Admin@firstpositiondanceco.com
Theme: Victorious
Dates: May 2nd & 3rd, 2025
Times: Friday Show (6pm) & Saturday Show (1pm)
Location: Calvary Baptist Church Eau Claire
Date needed: Thursday, May 1st
Time commitment: 11:30-1:45pm
Description: Need men who can lift our heavy dance floor, as well as all show items and load into vehicles. Bring to the church to unload items, and lay the dance floor down on the stage.
Date needed: Thursday, May 1st
Location: Calvary Baptist Church
Time Commitment: 12:15-2:15pm
Description: Set Up crew will be setting up the venue for the show week. This includes: setting up dressing rooms, prepping backstage, getting command center ready for students, moving all packed items where they belong.
Date needed: Saturday, May 3rd
Location: Calvary Baptist Church
Time Commitment: 4:00-6:00pm
Description: Tear down the stage, prop areas, re-set the rooms the way we found them, kitchen cleaned, atrium organized, all FP items packed away and everything hauled to the studio.
If you have a large vehicle that would be very helpful.
Dates needed: Thursday, May 1st; Friday, May 2nd; Saturday, May 3rd
Location: Calvary Baptist Church
Time commitment: Thursday (5/1) 1:00-4:00pm or 6:00-9:00pm & Friday (5/2) 4:00-9:00, Saturday (5/3) 11:00-4:00pm
What it looks Like:
Check in at a table right inside the church doors.
You will be assigned who to assist during the shows. Your job is to help the cast get on and off the stage in the right costume. Make sure you take time to look over the information you are given and ask any questions before we start.
Show Days
Friday, May 2nd Report Time: 4:00pm
Saturday, May 3rd Report Time: 11:00am
Dress Code: All Black.
After the Show:
Be sure to pick up any garbage and re-set the dressing room before leaving on Friday and help pack-up the room on Saturday.
Report to the Student Manager(s) before leaving the church to return your clipboard and to let her know that your student's dressing room is cleaned up.
Dates needed: Friday May 2nd and Saturday May 3rd
Location: Calvary Baptist Church
Time commitment: Fri (5/2) 4:00pm-9:00pm, Sat (5/3) 11:30-4:00pm
What This Looks Like:
Dress Code: All Black
What you do:
When you arrive, please check in at the table near the front doors.
Your Prop Manager will explain where props are going. You will walk through what and where everything will go. Take time to ask any questions you have.
After the show is done, you will have a small break out meeting with the Stage Manager to recap the rehearsal. That is where you can share your experience, ask questions, confirm any miscommunications...etc.
Leave any names tags, clipboards, etc. with the Prop Manager before you leave
Show Day
May 2nd Report Time: 4:00pm
May 3rd Report Time: 11:30am
Dress Code: All Black
Show Day Notes:
Check-in in the lobby. You will need to be completely backstage when doors open (30 minutes before the show).
After the show is done, the Prop Manager will tell you what you will need to do.
Report to the stage or Prop Manager before leaving the church to make sure you have returned your name tag, clipboard, and walkie talkies.
Dates needed: Friday, May 2nd & Saturday, May 3rd
Location: Calvary Baptist Church
Time commitment: Friday (5/2) 4:30-9:00pm & Saturday (5/3) 11:30-4:00pm
May 2nd Report Time: 4:30pm
May 3rd Report Time: 11:30am
Job Time Frame:
Friday | 5:30 PM - Intermission
Saturday | 12:30 PM - Intermission
What you do:
Once the doors are ready to open, confirm that each guest has a ticket and stamp their hand. It is general seating so they can choose where they'd like to sit.
Programs will be posted up with QR codes, as we have moved to digital programming. Scan this using the camera app on their phone.
When the show starts, please close the doors. We will provide a chair for you to sit, however we ask that you monitor the closed doors until intermission.
IF NEEDED: During the End Finale, please head to the kitchen to prepare for the dessert reception. Check the Kitchen Crew for information on what you will need
May 2nd Report Time: 4:30pm
May 3rd Report Time: 11:30am
Job Time Frame:
Friday, May 1st | 5:00 PM - 6:20 PM
Saturday, May 2nd | 12:00 PM - 1:20 PM
What you do:
The ticket booth will open an hour before the show starts, that is 5:00pm on Friday and 12:00pm on Saturday.
After the show begins, you will need to sit at the ticket booth for roughly 10 of the songs since there are often late arrivals. At this time, the House Manager will collect the cash boxes and you will be welcome to sit in the sanctuary for the rest of the show.
IF NEEDED: During the End Finale, please head to the kitchen to prepare for the dessert reception. Check the Kitchen Crew for information on what you will need to do there!
May 2nd Report Time: 4:30pm
May 3rd Report Time: 11:30am
Times you are NEEDED to be at this position:
30 minutes before the start of the show | Friday- 5:30 PM, Saturday- 12:30 PM
During Intermission- please leave one dance prior to intermission to the table
After the show- please leave during the End Finale to the table
What you do:
Help with guests who would like to order merch, or learn more about the SOTA program
May 2nd Report Time: 4:30pm
May 3rd Report Time: 11:30am
Times you are NEEDED to be at this position:
30 minutes before the start of the show | Friday- 5:30 PM, Saturday- 12:30 PM
During Intermission- please leave one dance prior to intermission to the table
After the show- please leave during the End Finale to the table
What you do:
Help hand out flowers to the people who have ordered them prior to the show
Help guests order flowers if wanted
ALL selling and giving of flowers happens post-show
May 2nd Report Time: 4:30pm
May 3rd Report Time: 11:30am
What you do:
When the speaker begins, report to the kitchen to prepare for the dessert fundraiser which immediately follows the show.
Once the show is finished, you will be helping to sell the desserts for about 45 minutes before clean-up. The station seems to function best if a few people prepare the orders of dessert while one person takes payments at the end of the line.
On Friday: re-set the kitchen for the next show
On Saturday: pack-up left-over supplies
Dates needed: Friday, May 2nd & Saturday, May 3rd
Location: Calvary Baptist Church
Time commitment: Friday (5/2) 4:30-9:00pm & Saturday (5/3) 11:30-4:00pm
We will speak directly with you about your job duties and what this will look like.
Date needed: Thursday, May 1st
Location: Calvary Baptist Church
Time commitment:
Shift #1 - 1:00-3:00pm
Shift #2 - 3:00-5:00pm
Shift #3 - 5:00-7:00pm
What you will be doing:
On Dress Rehearsal day, we have a center hub where all parents and students can come to check in, ask questions, find people and drop things off. You will just be facilitating this center, directing questions, taking small jobs that might need to get done.
Dates needed: Friday, May 2nd & Saturday, May 3rd
Location: Calvary Baptist Church
Time commitment: Fri (5/2) 4:00-8:30pm, Sat (5/3) 11:30-4:00pm
What you need to know:
When you arrive, please check in at the command center (at rehearsal) and no need to check in on show days. Find your way to the sound booth and get your information on spotlights from our tech team.
They will teach you how to use the spotlights, and answer any questions you may have.
Show Time
On Friday & Saturday, please report to the tech booth. If you have any questions, please speak with the tech team.